We provide advice to the North West Strategic Health Authority and Trusts on all aspects of pharmaceutical quality assurance and control.
* Procurement
We provide pharmaceutical QA support to all Trusts in the North West with the aim of ensuring that all medicines procured directly by Trusts or via national/North West contracts, are safe, of a quality appropriate to their use, and have the lowest possible potential to lead to medication errors.
* Unlicensed Medicines
We provide pharmaceutical QA support to all Trusts in the North West with the aim of ensuring that unlicensed medicines used in hospitals are manufactured, procured, controlled, stored and used in compliance with standards and guidance, including imported products.
* Defective Medicines
We manage the reporting and handling of suspected and confirmed incidents of defective medicines for all Trusts in the North West 24 hours a day 365 days a year. This includes reporting to/from the regulatory body, and includes scientific and professional assessments as appropriate.
* Safe Medication Practice
We provide services (including support, assistance and guidance) to Trust Pharmacy Departments to help them to ensure effective systems are in place to minimise the risk of medication errors.
* Handling of Medicines
We provide services (including support, assistance and guidance) to Trust Pharmacy Departments to help them to comply with best practices for the safe and secure handling of medicines.
We develop and issue standards and guidance relating to quality aspects of hospital pharmacy services and the management of medicines.